June 12, 2024

 Save the date!

On Saturday, 16 November 2024, the XXVII Dalton International Congress will take place in Wenzhou, China.
This magnificent ten million people city will host this year’s our global event. We welcome all the participants from the Dalton world to our largest International Dalton Congress.
The main theme of XXVII DI Congress is “The social and individual dimension of self-regulation: Navigating the global challenge”.
Experience Dalton education based in Wenzhou, and join us in the place where east meets west. Nestled in the heart of Wenzhou, our Dalton International community offer to their students and parents an exceptional blend of Helen Parkhurst roots and a rich Chinese ancient philosophy.
Discover with us a truly unique and captivating Dalton adventure, where planning, self-organization, responsibility, independence, mutual learning and reflection are part of everyday living.
Where Dalton education goes beyond the boundaries of traditional education and enables the acquisition of skills fostering lifelong learning. Delve into the world, where children are stimulated to develop themselves as a person, through and with others.
Keep an eye on program and the keynote speakers. We will soon open the registration.
For more information contact:info@daltoninternational.org

October 31, 2023


We congratulate to Dalton Tokyo Junior and Senior High School for joining the network of Dalton International by becoming an official Member.

 After the training session with the team of teachers and  study days when we gathered together with students for an insightful talk, the school was certified by a President of Dalton International Roel Röhner.

Both teachers and students learned how Dalton principles can shape students' ownership and a stronger teamwork, resulting in more valuable learning experience for the whole school community.



September 22, 2023


We invite you to see the program and some of the keynote speakers who will be presenting on the theme "Dalton as a way of life for today and for tomorrow".

The first Congress day in Izmir will feature keynote speakers from the field of Dalton education. All of them will share with you a unique perspective on the innovative model of Dalton education across the world and in what way we can use this model for the future paradigm.

During the second day of the congress, participants will attend the study visit in Dalton College Izmir.


08.30-9.00    Registration and check-in.

09.00 – 09.30 Sarah Louise Money, Welcome + Introduction

09.30 – 10.00 Roel Rohner, “Dalton Education, a growing worldwide development”

10.00 – 10.30 Agata Rohner, “The architecture of Dalton International learning culture across the world”.

10.30 – 11.00  Coffee break

11.00- 11.30    Vera Otten Binnerts, “Assurance of quality in Dutch Dalton schools”.

11.30- 12.00     Rene Berends, “Using a conceptual model for building a vision on Dalton    education”

12.00- 13.30      Lunch Break

13.30- 14.30     Workshops I round

Rene Berends “Ownership”

Vera Otten Binnerts “Lines in development of Dalton core values”

14.30-15.00     Break

15.00-16.00   Workshops II round

Christine Van Mullen “Daily Dalton Practice in Borgwal Dalton School”

Bernardien van der Vorm Nijhof, Mariska Linde “Daily Dalton Practice in Ods 't Gijmink”

July 14, 2023

Opening of a new International Dalton School in Wenzhou September 2024

This is the design of the new International Dalton School in Wenzhou. During our last visit to Wenzhou, we had the opportunity to visit the construction site and speak with the board and initiators of this prestigious Dalton school.

The opening of the school is planned in September 2024 with an international Dalton Congres.

Dalton International is responsible for the Dalton implementation process and the training of the team of teachers.

July 11, 2023

Dalton school Wenzhou celebrated 6 years of Dalton

Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School celebrated on June 30. 2023 their 6th jubilee.

We were deeply honored to attend the symposium 2023 organized on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the school.


The opening of our official office as the seat od Dalton International was a big surprise.

May 29, 2023

New certified International Dalton Teachers

 After two years of training sessions on-line with Agata Röhner, we could work with the team of teachers during our staying in Shenzhen Xinhua Dalton School.

The new group of teachers in the school recieved the certificate International Dalton Teacher.

May 8, 2023



Program of 7th Forum “Building a World Dalton Culture”.

Roel Röhner

President of Dalton international, “Dalton Education: a child’s lifetime experience”.

Dr Agata Röhner

Executive Director, Dalton International “Building a world Dalton Culture”,

Huang Jiali

Professor and doctoral supervisor at the Teacher Education Research Center of Beijing Normal University: “Project Based Learning Report”

Zhang Li

Principal of Shenzhen Dalton International  School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “Dalton as a way of a school life”.

Pan Yishu

International Dalton Coordinator and Principal of Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School, “Dalton education without limits”.

Lu Jing 

International Dalton Coordinator, Assistant Principal of Daoxin School in Nanshan District,

Shenzhen, and Director of Curriculum Development Center: “Dalton and PBL in theory and practice”.

Li Jinlong

Director of the Teaching Management Center of Daoxin School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen:

“The structure of Dalton Education in our school”

Yuan Huiying

Leader of the Primary School Mathematics Teaching Group of Shenzhen Dalton International  School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “Combining Chinese Characters with Dalton influence”

Li Fuman

STEM-PBL Teaching Group of Daoxin School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “STEM and Assignment in our Dalton School