January 28, 2012

Classroom management

It is striking that in many articles about classroom management
the word discipline is used. Articles with the title: "How to handle
discipline problems with effective classroom management".
Mostly you can find advices how to deal with disruptions and which
kind of disciplinary measures the teacher can apply.
In Dalton education we are not focussed on fighting against the negative
behaviour, but stimulate the grow of inner discipline.
Our teaching objective is to make the pupils not only responsible for
their own learning process, but also for their own learning environment.
We give them real responsibilities.
I've found this advice of a teacher in one article:
I would like to suggest a way to make the children feel as if they can contribute to how their class is run.
Giving children the feeling as if they can contribute is in my opinion a very strange attitude, a contempt of the respect for the children.
When they feel that they are not really responsible, you will have
disciplinary problems after some time.
Dalton education is based on the consistency of three assumptions:
It is the interdependence that makes pupils contributors in the
educational process.
Classroom management in Dalton is in the first place the visualizing of
the organization and secondly giving children the opportunity to be the
owner of the learning process.

But when you visualize the organization, be careful for too many
incentives like in this example.

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