May 29, 2023

New certified International Dalton Teachers

 After two years of training sessions on-line with Agata Röhner, we could work with the team of teachers during our staying in Shenzhen Xinhua Dalton School.

The new group of teachers in the school recieved the certificate International Dalton Teacher.

May 8, 2023



Program of 7th Forum “Building a World Dalton Culture”.

Roel Röhner

President of Dalton international, “Dalton Education: a child’s lifetime experience”.

Dr Agata Röhner

Executive Director, Dalton International “Building a world Dalton Culture”,

Huang Jiali

Professor and doctoral supervisor at the Teacher Education Research Center of Beijing Normal University: “Project Based Learning Report”

Zhang Li

Principal of Shenzhen Dalton International  School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “Dalton as a way of a school life”.

Pan Yishu

International Dalton Coordinator and Principal of Wenzhou Dalton Elementary School, “Dalton education without limits”.

Lu Jing 

International Dalton Coordinator, Assistant Principal of Daoxin School in Nanshan District,

Shenzhen, and Director of Curriculum Development Center: “Dalton and PBL in theory and practice”.

Li Jinlong

Director of the Teaching Management Center of Daoxin School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen:

“The structure of Dalton Education in our school”

Yuan Huiying

Leader of the Primary School Mathematics Teaching Group of Shenzhen Dalton International  School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “Combining Chinese Characters with Dalton influence”

Li Fuman

STEM-PBL Teaching Group of Daoxin School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen “STEM and Assignment in our Dalton School