June 9, 2010

Dalton plus class

At this moment several Dalton schools started a Dalton+class.
In these classes more gifted children are working together on
a common project in order to realize more suitable targets for
their capabilities.
Special targets are :
* learning how to learn
* learning of learning-oriented knowledge
* critical and creative thinking
* making choices and taking decisions
* planning of activities
* self evaluation and testing
* planning of processing
* development of new projects in order to continue learning
* co-operation and producing
* philosophize

It could be interesting to start an International network
of Dalton+classes

1 comment:

Chris Edwards said...

Dear Roel,
Have you read Dweck's work?
She argues that it is dangerous to label children as gifted but that we should instead recognise childrens efforts. This is reinforced in Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell and Bounce by Matthew Syed. Well worth reading!