October 28, 2013

This new Dalton school in Austria is participating in a Comenius project with the title:
Pleased to meet EU.

A group of schools from different countries created a very nice website.

Click on:  Pleased to meet EU

October 27, 2013

The Dalton Audit of the "Sternschule" in Deutschlandsberg - Austria was a very positive experience.
This school is the dream of every teacher, but also the children are convinced that this school is the best choice of their parents.
The small but inspired school community realized their ideal.

Jürgen Peters and I were pleasantly surprised by what we have seen in this school.
Not only the building and school environment, but also the educational level with an authentic visualization of  the Dalton structure, make this school a diamond in the crown of Dalton International.

October 20, 2013

This week on October 24. and 25. an audit will take place at this school in Deutschlandsberg - Austria.
This audit will be performed by Jürgen Peters, senior Dalton Consultant in Austria and Roel Röhner, senior Dalton Consultant in the Netherlands.

From the website of this school:
Die Sternschule Deutschlandsberg ist eine reformpädagogische Privatschule der Diakonie de La Tour Steiermark für Schüler/Innen im Pflichtschulalter und orientiert sich an den österreichischen Lehrplänen für VS, HS und AHS-Unterstufe.
In der Sternschule werden Kinder unabhängig von ihrem sozialen, kulturellen und konfessionellen Hintergrund aufgenommen.
 Der Unterricht in der Sternschule beruht auf den drei Prinzipien des Daltonplans nach Helen Parkhurst: Freiheit, Kooperation und Zeitmanagement.
Zur Philosophie der Sternschule gehören das Wissen um die Einzigartigkeit der Kinder und das Annehmen dieser als Basis der pädagogischen Arbeit. Um der Individualität der Schüler und Schülerinnen angemessen zu begegnen, werden Erkenntnisse aus der (Hoch)Begabungsforschung in den Schulalltag integriert.
 Wir wünschen uns, dass sich Kinder und Jugendliche der Sternschule zu verantwortungsvollen, sozial kompetenten und lernfreudigen Persönlichkeiten entwickeln.

October 9, 2013

Day of Kindergarten in Poland

This message was sent by Anna Wróbel from Poland.
Anna is the Polish President of the worldwide organization of Kindergarten teachers OMEP.
Together with many colleagues in her country she founded the Polish Dalton Association.
The development of Dalton education in Poland is the strongest in Middle Europe.

Upon the motion of the community connected with the kindergarten education from the whole country, the Polish OMEP Committee, acting upon the Article 63 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, has filed a petition with the Marshal of the Sejm to start the legislative initiative to constitute the day of 29 September as the Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education. This day is to celebrate the certain idea of the people connected with the kindergarten education and it is to solemnly visualise the importance of the kindergarten education in the society.

On 13th of September Sejm of the Republic of Poland adopted a resolution on the establishment 20 of as the Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education (Kindergarten’s Day).

Poland has DAY OF THE KINDERGARTEN EDUKATION in the polish calendar!

25 of September in Royal Łazienki in Warsaw Polish OMEP Committee were celebrating the first nationwide Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education.
The Honorary Patrons of the Conference are: Minister of National Education and Ombudsman for Children.

Anna Wróbel

Prezes Zarządu Krajowego
Polskiego Komitetu Światowej Organizacji Wychowania Przedszkolnego OMEP

October 7, 2013

Official presentation new Dalton book

The latest book about Dalton education, written by Roel Röhner
and Hans Wenke, was officially presented to the chairman of the Dutch Dalton Association : Willem Wagenaar.

This event took place at the KPZ University.

Several colleagues were invited to express the gratitude for the inspiration both authors got in their schools.

This Dutch version of the book can be ordered at: