September 25, 2018

Advanced training program for secondary Dalton education

Titles of the 12training  modules

For information click on the link below.

  1. The original Dalton Laboratory Plan from theory to practice.
  2. The main pillars of the Dalton Plan in theory and praxis on the examples of secondary schools worldwide.
  3. The Dalton Plan’s three-part structural foundation.
  4. The philosophy and values of the Dalton secondary school.
  5. Dalton hours in praxis.
  6. The structure and organization of the Dalton secondary school in theory and praxis
  7. The students and teachers as co-workers- how to build the atmosphere of mutual trust and respect?
  8. How to design learning environment in secondary Dalton schools (praxis). 
  9. Sample group and individual exercises to use. 
  10. Teaching students social and emotional intelligence.
  11. How to take care of students’ wellbeing in secondary Dalton schools?
  12. A short guide to become a successful secondary Dalton school teacher.
Special attention for:
Dalton Plan and English language Teaching and Learning as an innovation of 21st century on the         example of secondary Dalton schools.
(authorial elements from my book “Innovations in ELT in secondary schools”)

Dalton Österreich published this reportage

Mit einer Bildreportage wollen wir einen Einblick in unseren Abschlusstag der Lehrgänge in Steiermark, Ober Österreich und Wien bieten. 

Jede(r) TeilnehmerIn musste die eigene Arbeit vorstellen und drei Arbeiten (jeweils eine aus jedem Bundesland) wurden breiter präsentiert. Es waren dies die Arbeiten von Barbara Müller, Marcel Felber und David Rühringer. Alle Arbeiten wurden im Kern als wissenschftliches Plakat dokumentiert und die Arbeiten lagen auch in Druckversion für alle einsichtig auf. Den Abschluss bildete dann die eigentliche Diplomverleihung. Es war ein interessanter und netter Tag, der hervorrangede Leistungen zeigte. Danke nochmals an alle Studierenden für ihr Engagement.


September 23, 2018

Dalton training program for secondary schools


“The true business of the school is not to chain the pupil to preconceived ideas, but to set him free to discover his own ideas and help to bring his powers upon the problem of learning”

Helen Parkhurst, Founder of the Dalton School

1.     The original Dalton Laboratory Plan from theory to practice on the example of ‘The Dalton School’ in New York and ‘Ascham’ in Sydney: historical outline, main pillars of the Dalton Plan as education for the future that stimulates child’s holistic development.

2.     The main pillars of the Dalton Plan in theory and praxis on the examples of secondary schools worldwide.

-          The principle of freedom: how does it stimulate independence and awaken creativity? How to differentiate secondary students’ interests?

-          How to nurture students’ motivation and learning attitudes?

-          The principle of cooperation: how to awaken and shape social and emotional skills? How to shape the attitudes of perseverance? The analysis of different learning styles and multiple intelligences theory and praxis

-          How to develop Independence and students’ taking responsibility for their learning experience? How to awaken and instill the independence while working with secondary school students?

-          The principle of effectiveness

-          The innovative dimension of “reflection”        (theory and praxis)

-          The innovative dimension of “embedding”     (theory and praxis)

For the complete program of workshops click on the link:

International Dalton Consultancy

September 17, 2018

Academic Dalton Studies for K-12 schools



International Dalton Conference in Poland

On Monday 12. November 2018 the International Dalton Conference of the Polish Dalton Association takes place in Koszalin.

The Chinese delegation from 'Shenzhen Xinhua Dalton School' which also takes part in the Dutch Dalton Conference, will have an active role in this conference. Director Liansheng Mei gives a speech during the plenary opening of the conference.

The head of the English department of this Chinese Dalton School, Zhiling Xu, is supporting in the workshop "Let's Daltonize English", given by Agata Sowińska.

Dr. Agata Sowińska, Chair of  'Dalton International Research Platform' in  the Netherlands, is researching Early English teaching in some countries in Europe and China.

'Shenzhen Xinhua Dalton School' is pilot school in this research.

September 16, 2018

International Dalton Conference in the Netherlands

The Dutch Dalton Association and Dalton International are organizing this International Dalton Conference in Deventer. 

With delegations from : 
Austria, Belgium, China, Germany and Poland

More information: click here