September 23, 2018

Dalton training program for secondary schools


“The true business of the school is not to chain the pupil to preconceived ideas, but to set him free to discover his own ideas and help to bring his powers upon the problem of learning”

Helen Parkhurst, Founder of the Dalton School

1.     The original Dalton Laboratory Plan from theory to practice on the example of ‘The Dalton School’ in New York and ‘Ascham’ in Sydney: historical outline, main pillars of the Dalton Plan as education for the future that stimulates child’s holistic development.

2.     The main pillars of the Dalton Plan in theory and praxis on the examples of secondary schools worldwide.

-          The principle of freedom: how does it stimulate independence and awaken creativity? How to differentiate secondary students’ interests?

-          How to nurture students’ motivation and learning attitudes?

-          The principle of cooperation: how to awaken and shape social and emotional skills? How to shape the attitudes of perseverance? The analysis of different learning styles and multiple intelligences theory and praxis

-          How to develop Independence and students’ taking responsibility for their learning experience? How to awaken and instill the independence while working with secondary school students?

-          The principle of effectiveness

-          The innovative dimension of “reflection”        (theory and praxis)

-          The innovative dimension of “embedding”     (theory and praxis)

For the complete program of workshops click on the link:

International Dalton Consultancy

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