I was lucky to find the book Helen Parkhurst wrote in 1962: "Growing Pains".
(Doubleday & Company, Inc. - Garden City, New York)
I've found it at Amazone and this copy came from the Los Angeles Public Library.
Growing Pains is the outgrowth of a series of radio programs of the same name, built around tape recordings of interviews with teen agers.
This is a statement I like very much.
December 20, 2013
Dalton in Czech Republic
The Czech Dalton Association is
terminating its existence in the end of this year . But there has been an another organization founded,
"Czech Dalton",
which will follow up with what the Associations of Czech Dalton Schools was
doing for more than 15 years. As an organization that walks in the steps of
ACDS, they are cooperating with Dalton International.
December 17, 2013
Transfer your dominance
During my seminars I always draw attention to the dominance of the teacher.
Children are hungry to do it themselves, but many teachers think that 'spoon feeding' education is the most effective way.
Some of them even try to convince that by instruction to the whole group of silent children in the classroom, they learn most.
But this teacher doesn't understand why there are so many questions left after this kind of instruction.
Children has to take as many initiatives themselves as possible.
Helen Parkhurst says: "Under the Dalton Plan the teacher's principal job is to instruct or teach by answering the questions asked by individual children or groups of children".
I was nicely surprised that I found an article this morning in the newspaper in which the provocating photo's in my PowerPoint were given a scientific basis.
Larissa Samuelson, professor psychology at the University of Iowa researched the behaviour of very young children. She noticed very soon that children who were allowed to make a mess during their activities, were learning very quickly new words.
See an article about this here
Children are hungry to do it themselves, but many teachers think that 'spoon feeding' education is the most effective way.
Some of them even try to convince that by instruction to the whole group of silent children in the classroom, they learn most.
But this teacher doesn't understand why there are so many questions left after this kind of instruction.
Children has to take as many initiatives themselves as possible.
Helen Parkhurst says: "Under the Dalton Plan the teacher's principal job is to instruct or teach by answering the questions asked by individual children or groups of children".
I was nicely surprised that I found an article this morning in the newspaper in which the provocating photo's in my PowerPoint were given a scientific basis.
Larissa Samuelson, professor psychology at the University of Iowa researched the behaviour of very young children. She noticed very soon that children who were allowed to make a mess during their activities, were learning very quickly new words.
See an article about this here
December 16, 2013
Dalton training
Dalton International assists in the implementation of Dalton classroom management.
During a training with teams of teachers the following aspects will be worked out.
· a process in 20 special school agreements
day colours
household –
day rhythm structure
work – assignment board
or formulary
organizing the registration
arrangement of the furniture
all aspects of classroom
selecting subjects
and material
daily, weekly, monthly
structure for planning
assignment as a
integrated ‘free-choice-assignments’
on different levels
competences – no competition
and reports
what do
we instruct
what is
the effect of instruction
with independent learning
on different levels
use of action
recognize different learning styles
what kind of interaction
model for strategic action
effect of independent work for teacher/student
the delayed attention
guides as a school model
and reflection
scoring system
Systematically use of techniques
in co-operative learning activities
Work with
teams, mates, mentor, tutor
December 13, 2013
December 8, 2013
Proud to announce the concrete initiative to start the official
Dalton Association in Austria.
Jürgen Peters is co-ordinating this development.
Information: dalton.austria@gmail.com
November 30, 2013
Helen Parkhurst
When Helen C. Parkhurst graduated in 1907 from the two-year elementary course, her professors might have predicted an unusual career for her. Her thesis was titled "Child Heart," and she had written below her picture in the yearbook: "Here buds the promise of celestial worth." It took only a short time for this young woman from Durand to bloom. After teaching two years in Hudson, she took a position in Tacoma, Wash., and in 1910 founded the laboratory plan for elementary school individualized instruction.
For this, she received her first award, the "Distinguished Gold Medal," given by the Board of Education, and was named "First Citizen of Tacoma."
Parkhurst returned to Wisconsin in 1912 to become the director of the Primary Department at UW-Stevens Point. Three years later she spent a year in Italy studying with the education pioneer, Maria Montessori. When Montessori came to the United States to lecture, Parkhurst joined her and for a time administered the Montessori schools across the nation. It was in New York, however, where she spent most of her distinguished career. Known as the originator of the Dalton Plan of Education, which became a model for countless schools throughout the world, she earned a place in the directory, 100 Educators of All Time.
This distinguished alumna, who was one of the most influential educators of her era, expressed her philosophy through television and radio programs and in numerous articles and books. Her first books,Education on the Dalton Plan (1922) and Exploring the Child’s World (1936), became standard references for this system of elementary education. Before her death in 1973, she also wrote Growing Pains (1962) and Undertow (1963), and had been decorated by the Queen of Italy, Empress of Japan, and the Queen of the Netherlands. There is a Parkhurst Lecture Hall at UW-Stevens Point. Many schools in the Netherlands have her name "Helen Parkhurst School".
Truly, her educational philosophy is an extension of her senior thesis "Child Heart." Montessori best summarized her career:
"Her intelligent activity is truly rare and precious."
"Her intelligent activity is truly rare and precious."
From: University of Wisconsin
November 28, 2013
November 27, 2013
November 22, 2013
Dalton training in Poland
On Saturday November 16th I worked with a group of 45 teachers from
all over Poland to give a training.
The Polish Dalton Association is selecting Dalton co-ordinators to assist with the Dalton implementation in Kindergarten and other schools.
After a presentation about the task of a Dalton co-ordinator, the colleagues worked in small groups and got much information from the
side of some Polish Dalton consultants.
all over Poland to give a training.
The Polish Dalton Association is selecting Dalton co-ordinators to assist with the Dalton implementation in Kindergarten and other schools.
After a presentation about the task of a Dalton co-ordinator, the colleagues worked in small groups and got much information from the
side of some Polish Dalton consultants.
November 15, 2013
Workshops and seminars in Poland
The coming days I am in Poland for several Dalton activities.
The Polish Dalton Association invited me to give a training for Dalton
co-ordinators. The number of schools who have started with the first implementation of Dalton education is still growing in this country.
Some of these new Dalton co-ordinators participated in the International Dalton Meeting at KPZ University last May.
In Warszawa I will work with three different groups of students at the APS University. This University is specialized in the training of teachers for special education. Dalton is a new element in their programm.
Finally I will give an introduction of Dalton education during a conference for teachers in 'Sroda Wielkopolska.
Reflection is an important topic that has to be integrated in all activities.
The Polish Dalton Association invited me to give a training for Dalton
co-ordinators. The number of schools who have started with the first implementation of Dalton education is still growing in this country.
Some of these new Dalton co-ordinators participated in the International Dalton Meeting at KPZ University last May.
In Warszawa I will work with three different groups of students at the APS University. This University is specialized in the training of teachers for special education. Dalton is a new element in their programm.
Finally I will give an introduction of Dalton education during a conference for teachers in 'Sroda Wielkopolska.
Reflection is an important topic that has to be integrated in all activities.
November 13, 2013
Message from Facebook
Dalton Teachers From Tokyo and Nagoya Visit Dalton NYC - First Program students and teachers said "Sayonara" to four Japanese teachers visiting us.
Our visitors spent two weeks visiting classrooms, museums, special events taking place at Dalton, and a variety of NYC landmarks.
November 11, 2013
The Golden Circle.
Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model how to come to an inspiring leadership.
It starts with the question "Why?"
See his very interesting presentation HERE
November 10, 2013
Development of a logo
The first logo was a design of Nol Manten, famous painter in Utrecht.
It was made to symbolise the integration of the Kindergarten 'De Merel' with the primary Dalton school "Juliana van Stolbergschool".
In 1985 the new fusion got the name "Dalton Basisschool Pieterskerkhof".
Later I suggested the new founded Czech Dalton Association to use this logo.
Now the two birds were symbolising the co-operation between secondary and primary education.
When we founded Dalton International we liked to use the freedom
of birds again. The birds are flying from the West to Europe and further.
From "The Dalton School" in New York, the ideas of Helen Parkhurst were implemented in hundreds of schools all over Europe. But in other continents there are also important Dalton Schools such as "Ascham" in Sydney, famous Kindergarten in Tokio and Kobe.
The newest Dalton school can be found in Hongkong: "Little Dalton".
November 9, 2013
November 6, 2013
New Dalton initiative in Poland
Yesterday I've got this message from Dorota Olejnik, Śmigiel - Poland
We catched up the concept of
the Dalton Plan after a visit in the ABIS school in Łódź. Since two years in our State Primary School in Śmigiel. Four classes have worked according
to the Dalton Plan. We are satisfied because our
pupils want to learn. They do their duties
with big responsibility; they also choose tasks on their own. They plan
their job and can cooperate with other pupils. For us teachers also it’s big pleasure
and satisfaction. We will participate in conference in WWSSE in Środa Wielkopolska
in two weeks.
We hope that someday
there will be an opportunity to meet in Śmigiel.
Dorota Olejnik
November 5, 2013
Material for roles in a team
This morning from the website of Kagan.
I produced these 'buttons' for the different roles in a cooperative team.
These buttons are available for you. Just write me an email:
Ask for the English or Dutch version.
November 3, 2013
Learn how to improve student engagement and build a positive climate for learning and discipline for grades K-12.
We've all heard this about students: "If they are engaged, they are managed." And this is absolutely the truth. But we still need rules, routines, trust, and student ownership to make a classroom run smoothly and effectively.This guide will address those practical aspects of managing a classroom, with suggestions and resources appropriate for
grades K-12.
What's Inside ?
a Safe, Friendly, and Well-Managed Classroom
Students in Creating Rules, Norms, Routines,
and Consequences
a Variety of Communication Channels
Be Calm, Fair, and Consistent
5. Know the Students You Teach
6. Address Conflict Quickly and Wisely
7. Integrate Positive Classroom Rituals
8. Keep It Real
9. Partner with Parents and Guardians
10. Partner with Parents and Guardians
Find it on EDUTOPIA
November 1, 2013
October 28, 2013
This new Dalton school in Austria is participating in a Comenius project with the title:
Pleased to meet EU.
A group of schools from different countries created a very nice website.
Click on: Pleased to meet EU
October 27, 2013
The Dalton Audit of the "Sternschule" in Deutschlandsberg - Austria was a very positive experience.
This school is the dream of every teacher, but also the children are convinced that this school is the best choice of their parents.
The small but inspired school community realized their ideal.
Jürgen Peters and I were pleasantly surprised by what we have seen in this school.
Not only the building and school environment, but also the educational level with an authentic visualization of the Dalton structure, make this school a diamond in the crown of Dalton International.
This school is the dream of every teacher, but also the children are convinced that this school is the best choice of their parents.
The small but inspired school community realized their ideal.
Jürgen Peters and I were pleasantly surprised by what we have seen in this school.
Not only the building and school environment, but also the educational level with an authentic visualization of the Dalton structure, make this school a diamond in the crown of Dalton International.
October 20, 2013
This audit will be performed by Jürgen Peters, senior Dalton Consultant in Austria and Roel Röhner, senior Dalton Consultant in the Netherlands.
From the website of this school:
Die Sternschule
Deutschlandsberg ist eine reformpädagogische Privatschule der Diakonie de La
Tour Steiermark für Schüler/Innen im Pflichtschulalter und orientiert sich an
den österreichischen Lehrplänen für VS, HS und AHS-Unterstufe.
In der
Sternschule werden Kinder unabhängig von ihrem sozialen, kulturellen und
konfessionellen Hintergrund aufgenommen.
Der Unterricht in
der Sternschule beruht auf den drei Prinzipien des Daltonplans nach Helen
Parkhurst: Freiheit, Kooperation und Zeitmanagement.
Zur Philosophie
der Sternschule gehören das Wissen um die Einzigartigkeit der Kinder und das Annehmen
dieser als Basis der pädagogischen Arbeit. Um der Individualität der Schüler
und Schülerinnen angemessen zu begegnen, werden Erkenntnisse aus der
(Hoch)Begabungsforschung in den Schulalltag integriert.
Wir wünschen uns,
dass sich Kinder und Jugendliche der Sternschule zu verantwortungsvollen,
sozial kompetenten und lernfreudigen Persönlichkeiten entwickeln.
October 9, 2013
Day of Kindergarten in Poland
This message was sent by Anna Wróbel from Poland.
Anna is the Polish President of the worldwide organization of Kindergarten teachers OMEP.
Together with many colleagues in her country she founded the Polish Dalton Association.
The development of Dalton education in Poland is the strongest in Middle Europe.
Upon the motion of the community connected with the kindergarten education from the whole country, the Polish OMEP Committee, acting upon the Article 63 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, has filed a petition with the Marshal of the Sejm to start the legislative initiative to constitute the day of 29 September as the Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education. This day is to celebrate the certain idea of the people connected with the kindergarten education and it is to solemnly visualise the importance of the kindergarten education in the society.
On 13th of September Sejm of the Republic of Poland adopted a resolution on the establishment 20 of as the Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education (Kindergarten’s Day).
Poland has DAY OF THE KINDERGARTEN EDUKATION in the polish calendar!
25 of September in Royal Łazienki in Warsaw Polish OMEP Committee were celebrating the first nationwide Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education.
The Honorary Patrons of the Conference are: Minister of National Education and Ombudsman for Children.
Anna is the Polish President of the worldwide organization of Kindergarten teachers OMEP.
Together with many colleagues in her country she founded the Polish Dalton Association.
The development of Dalton education in Poland is the strongest in Middle Europe.
Upon the motion of the community connected with the kindergarten education from the whole country, the Polish OMEP Committee, acting upon the Article 63 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, has filed a petition with the Marshal of the Sejm to start the legislative initiative to constitute the day of 29 September as the Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education. This day is to celebrate the certain idea of the people connected with the kindergarten education and it is to solemnly visualise the importance of the kindergarten education in the society.
On 13th of September Sejm of the Republic of Poland adopted a resolution on the establishment 20 of as the Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education (Kindergarten’s Day).
Poland has DAY OF THE KINDERGARTEN EDUKATION in the polish calendar!
25 of September in Royal Łazienki in Warsaw Polish OMEP Committee were celebrating the first nationwide Polish Day of the Kindergarten Education.
The Honorary Patrons of the Conference are: Minister of National Education and Ombudsman for Children.
Anna Wróbel
Zarządu Krajowego
Polskiego Komitetu Światowej Organizacji Wychowania Przedszkolnego OMEP
Polskiego Komitetu Światowej Organizacji Wychowania Przedszkolnego OMEP
October 7, 2013
Official presentation new Dalton book
The latest book about Dalton education, written by Roel Röhner
and Hans Wenke, was officially presented to the chairman of the Dutch Dalton Association : Willem Wagenaar.
This event took place at the KPZ University.
Several colleagues were invited to express the gratitude for the inspiration both authors got in their schools.
This Dutch version of the book can be ordered at:
and Hans Wenke, was officially presented to the chairman of the Dutch Dalton Association : Willem Wagenaar.
This event took place at the KPZ University.
Several colleagues were invited to express the gratitude for the inspiration both authors got in their schools.
This Dutch version of the book can be ordered at:
September 24, 2013
What is collaborative learning?
Collaborative learning is an umbrella term for a variety of educational approaches involving joint effort by learners. Collaborative learning activities vary widely, but most centre on the learner’s exploration or application of the curriculum, not simply on the teacher’s presentation of it. The teacher’s role is to create an environment where young people are willing and able to work collaboratively, where there are plenty of opportunities and stimulating contexts for learners to work with others, and where they feel safe to share their emerging ideas and understandings.
Usually, learners are working in groups of two or more, searching mutually for understanding, solutions, meanings, or creating a product. Group challenges often require learners to produce a product for a specified audience and purpose. Collaborative learning programmes also place great emphasis on assessing the contribution of individuals within the group and of the performance of the team.
In collaborative learning situations, pupils are not simply taking in new information or ideas - they are creating something new with the information and ideas.
American researchers David and Roger Johnson have done more than anyone to popularise the concept of collaborative learning. Their research identified 700 studies relating to cooperative, competitive and individualistic efforts to learn and they identified five defining characteristics of cooperative learning.
1. Groups work together to accomplish shared goals. Group members buy into a mutual goal. They seek outcomes that are valuable for themselves and the group. They believe they sink or swim together.
2. Group members are hard on themselves and each other - they make each other accountable for producing high quality work and achieving goals.
3. Group members work face to face and support each other to produce joint products.
4. Group members are taught social skills and are expected to use them to work together to achieve their goals.
5. Group members analyse how effectively they are working together in achieving their goals.
Johnson and Holubec (ASCD, 1994)
Johnson and Holubec (ASCD, 1994)
September 20, 2013
August 29, 2013
Training teams of teachers

With a 'board game' the team of teachers gives answers on different questions or dilemmas. Together the colleagues determine which Dalton aspects are highly developed and which ones need attention again.
More information HERE
August 28, 2013
August 27, 2013
Little Dalton - Hong Kong
Little Dalton in Hong Kong is a new leaf on our International Dalton tree.
The school is cooperating with Ascham in Sydney.
Visit the website of Little Dalton HERE
August 23, 2013
The last two decades have seen substantial growth in the use of reflection, not only in classrooms from elementary education but also in colleges and universities.
Dewey is generally pointed to as the scholar who first stressed the importance of reflection for learning.
Effective teachers are those who constantly reflect on their teaching.
Reflecting after a lesson makes them aware of their successes and failures, of their strengths and shortcomings. This allows teachers to assess and adjust their teaching. Because reflection can help teachers become better educators.
And a good educator organizes reflection in the classroom,
The work of children should be regularly evaluated. But if the teacher teaches kids how to reflect, then they become owners of their learning process.
August 22, 2013
"Many schools are preparing children for yesterday"
The first
of 11 Dutch ‘Steve Jobs schools’ was opened yesterday in Sneek/the Netherlands..
In this
elementary school the Ipad is textbook, notebook, agenda and plaything at the
same time. The pupils are learning typing instead of writing and they decide
themselves where and when they study.
The zombies
on the Ipad screen come menacingly closer. If the answer to the calculation not
fast enough is typed, you're the Marylou.
At the
right answer the zombie changes in a cheerful smiling stick man.
children like it. "Zombie counting is much more fun than writing in a
boring notebook".
A group of
girls demonstrates the apps connected in their subject matter.
The little
fingers go flying and agile across the screen. Last year they were still with
books and notebooks for their nose at school. Now they sit in Sneek in a brand
new building with the name "Master Steve Jobs School".
previously feared to find a surreal, sterile Apple Lab, will be disappointed. The
cosy building has the decor of an ordinary primary school.
The books
are just a side issue. The Ipad is the device.
The teacher
is called here a 'talent coach' and the school is a 'community '.
students are not following central classroom lessons, but work independently in
groups which are classified by age and social development. With the Ipad, they
have access to the digital learning environment. They get short instructions
and after it they go for their work individually. They organize their time themselves and can
therefore do much at home.
Maurice de Hond believes that the traditional education is not following the
actual development: “Many schools are preparing the children for yesterday. We
prepare them for the world after 2030. The profit lies in the integrated
His concept
of ‘Education for a New Age’ (E4NA) gets much commotion.
The German
memory researcher Manfred Spitzer calls it a form of child abuse. But the
reaction of the school: "We teach children to use the Ipad on a sensible way. There
is a generation that missed the IT development".
students are not following central classroom lessons, but work independently in
groups which are classified by age and social development. With the Ipad, they
have access to the digital learning environment. They get short instructions
and after it they go for their work individually. They organize their time themselves and can
therefore do much at home.
The Minister of Education sees above all the benefits of this teaching method, but he ordered additional monitoring of the Inspectorate of Education.
Pupils must
not suffer as a result of experimentation. Also this
school must comply with the normal learning objectives and must test the
From an article in Algemeen Dagblad, Thursday August 22 , 2013
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