January 26, 2017

New book about Dalton education came out in Poland.

The autors, Anna Sowinska and Robert Sowinski, asked me to write an introduction for this book :
The popularity of Dalton education in Poland is growing.
As one of the authors of the book “Pedagogika planu daltońskiego” it is satisfying to discover that we contributed to the implementation of the Dalton plan in many Kindergartens and that we gave the impulse for a wider development.

Many Polish teachers visited Dalton schools Holland and participated in Dalton conferences organized by the Polish Dalton Association. Teams of teachers all over your country like to know how to organize Dalton in the classroom. More Dalton consultants had to be trained and It was an honor for me to be invited to give such a training to a group of new consultants.

Different initiatives give constantly new impulses for a higher level of the Dalton development. This is one of the reasons that Poland can be seen as ‘the raising star’ in the European Dalton development.

I hope this new publication will find the way to many teachers and will inspire them during their daily work in the classroom.

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