December 31, 2011

The last day of the year

Isn't it the best day to look back on what happened?
But let me confine myself to the progress of Dalton in my country
and abroad.
In the Netherlands the Teacher University KPZ in Zwolle is again
the best in the country. I am happy to work as a senior consultant
for this insitute together with several highly qualified Dalton
We started to develop a training structure for a "Certificate
Dalton director".
Our initiative to train the co-ordinators of
Dalton schools was a big success and is followed in the meantime by
other universities.
We stimulated networks of Dalton headteachers and also some networks
of co-ordinators started.
A new brochure with 35 topics to train teams of teachers is coming
out in two weeks.

The strongest development abroad has taken place in Poland.
Many Kindergarten have embraced the Dalton Plan, the first edition of
our newest book in the Polish language was sold out within 6 months.
School 4 Child is the first primary Dalton school in Poland.
A high qualified school with ambitious young teachers. The visit of
Howard Gardner was probably one of the highlights of this year.
The new Polish Dalton Association is cooperating closely with some
companies specialized in Dalton material.
Hans Wenke and I participated last year in five Dalton conferences
in Poland in different cities.
The Dalton development in Germany is growing and I hope that the
German Dalton Association will take their responsibility to coordinate
the brilliant initiatives in this country.
The fisrt official Dalton school in Austria will get their certificate
in March 2012. Mittelschule "Vogelweide" in Wels worked hard last
year and asked for an audit by Dalton International.
With much appreciation I like to mention the Dalton development in
Dakar / Senegal. With help of partner school 'de Twijn'/ Utrecht NL
and the University in Leiden / NL they make big steps forward with a
radiation on other parts of the society.
A fantastic Comenius project "Blogging in Europe" is mentioned many
times already in this blog. See our general blog on the left.
Partner school 'Begonazpi Ikastola' is not only the coordinator of the
project, but they also develop elements of Dalton education in their school.
In the Czech Republic we organized the 15th Dalton conference in May.

I wish all the readers and members of this Dalton blog Happy New Year.

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