January 29, 2012

Ascham School Sydney

Two representative from the famous Dalton school Ascham will visit
the Netherlands in May.
Elizabeth Neil Head of 'Junior School Fiona' and Judi Butcher Head
of the 'P to Year 2 section Hillingdon' come to be present during
an international Dalton meeting and of course we bring them to some
of the best Dalton schools in Holland.

From Ascham's website:

Ascham’s teaching rests on the Dalton Plan, a philosophy of learning developed in the USA and introduced to Ascham by Headmistress, Miss Margaret Bailey, in 1922. The Dalton Plan is used in schools in the USA, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Japan.
(In the meantime also in Slovakia, Hungary and Poland / R.R.)
The Dalton Plan’s key objective is to develop independent learners who take responsibility for their work and their time management. Through training and practice, girls develop skills to help them meet academic and professional challenges with confidence.
The Dalton Plan requires girls to complete weekly assignments for each subject. The weekly timetable provides lesson times and study periods, in which girls complete their work in individual teachers’ rooms under supervision, where they may seek assistance. All teachers have their own classrooms and girls have easy access to every subject teacher.
Students have considerable flexibility to decide how and when to complete assignments by a deadline. This teaches self-motivation, time-management skills and personal responsibility. A close follow-up and support system also assists the students with the completion of their work. In recent student surveys, some of the key features of the Dalton Plan most appreciated by students, are the flexibility and learning advantages provided by the study periods.

Iam looking forward to meet them and to discuss the progress in Dalton

During my visit to Ascham in 2002, I painted the Fiona building.

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